Is This What We Have To Look Forward To?

Politics and Religion.  Two topics most people avoid.  But with the news these days, the politics is hard to avoid.  

american flagI was raised to believe in America.  I considered myself patriotic.  Every morning in school we said The Pledge of allegiance.  And in those days the Politics were also controversial.  Viet Nam was the news of the day.  

I was raised Republican.  Since my father was a minister and all.  We would’ve been considered part of the Evangelical Conservatives.  Tho at the time, I had no idea what that meant.  And I wasn’t raised racists.  But I did know, during those days, if a white girl (me) were friends with a black boy (my friend), they (me) were told you didn’t ‘hook-up’.  Or become an interracial couple. Anyone growing up during the 60’s,70’s, or even earlier, knows the atmosphere of the day.  But I didn’t think of myself being racists.  My opinion now, knows better.  It all begins in the small things. 

I’d like to think that we as a people of these United States, have changed our thinking of days gone by.  Or at least I’ve hoped the majority of us had.  But from the sounds of it, we haven’t.  No, now we have a man who knows how to push the hate buttons, running for president of these United States.    And proud of his hate, and arrogance, and bullying of women and minorities.  A man who spews hatred without a thought to who he hurts.  And the people let him! In fact they encourage him.  And if you ask him, the polls  show it.  And all the people who have voted for him so far.

We are going backwards.  And it’s scary.  



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